Investing in Bulgaria

by Mihail Danov

Book chapter: Investing in Bulgaria (p. 216 - 378) in Investing in South Eastern Europe: Foreign Direct Investment in the Stability Pact Countries, Editors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Messmann, Prof. Dr. Tibor Tajti, 2 vols., 990 pages, Bochum: European University Press, 2005 (ISBN 3899661354).

Author: Mihail Danov (contributor)

Key words: Bulgarian Investment legislation; Bulgarian Corporate law; and Bulgarian Law on Public Offering of Securities.

Date of publication: November 20, 2005

Abstract of published work: The focus of the chapter is on the Bulgarian investment legislation, the concessions regime, and the public procurement law as well as privatisation legal framework. Company law - as the most important branch of law of interest to foreign direct investment - is discussed in detail together with bankruptcy law. Though, equal importance is given to the Law on Public Offering of Securities and to Bulgarian competition law related developments.

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